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Bio Scores

together with Elina Peltonen.​


Bio Scores is a set of explorative performative scores designed to engage with the unique qualities of bio-based materials.
The project consists of two films. The first, titled 'BioScores LIVE', utilizes a bio slime recipe from the Aalto CHEMARTS cookbook. Through playful interactions, this part explores the properties of bio slime in a series of scores. 


BioScores LIVE film frames 

The second video, titled 'BioScores LAB', documents the development process of working with bio slime in the CHEMARTS lab during early spring 2024

BioScores LAB film frames 


Project by Anna van der Lei & Elina Peltonen 

Films by

Veronika Abbrederis & Jarno Parkkima 

Special thanks:
Janika Lehtonen

Solomon Ahlfors


Aalto University Department of Design 

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